Saturday, February 20, 2016

1956 - letter to Dad (Henry D. Kyle)

Dear Dad:

Ken Kyle
Lorna appreciated very much the dollar you sent for her birthday (4). She will not give it up and carries it around with her.  A few weeks ago she took notice of little children in the branch paying me their tithing and now she wants to pay hers.  Last Sunday she came up to me when I was making out the receipts in church and gave me ten cents, which is one tenth of what she had received from you.  I gave her a receipt and entered her name on the church records as a tithing payer. She has been carrying the receipt around ever since.  Both Ken and Karin have been faithful tithe payers ever since they were baptized and they have never missed a month.

We are pretty well settled in our new house and like it better every day. Ken has a chum up the street (Ken Slater) who moved here from Regina and they are both in the same class at school.  I have not seen a report card yet but he tells me he had the highest mark in his class in two or three exams.
 He will do well.
Lorna in front of our new home 

Lorna will not be starting school for another two years although she may start kindergarten next year. She has a little chum up the street and they play together every day.  Karin goes around with this little girl's older sister so all the children have made new friends.

Saskatoon prairie lands 
On Thanksgiving Day I took Ken out to some friends who live in the country about 20 miles out of Saskatoon.

We took along the Remington 22 and we used up 200 rounds of ammunition. Although this was the first time Ken had used this gun, he really surprised me. We were shooting mostly at targets such as tin cans and he invariably hit the mark every time.  He is really a natural when it comes to shooting.  He must have your eye or else a steady hand.

Saskatchewan is a wonderful hunting ground for all kinds of game.  I sure wish I had that shot gun that you gave to Uncle Bert.

We are all well here.  I was laid up with a sore back for about a week but it is alright again.  I had it strapped up with adhesive.  It is what they formerly called lumbago but
now doctors diagnose it as a disk.  I have to be very careful.  It started when lifting a bag of potatoes.  We bought 300 pounds of Irish Cobbler potatoes from a farmer who lives near us and I tried to lift the bags without any help.  Ken will have to do the heavy lifting from now on. He is as strong as a horse.

As ever,

1 comment:

  1. A memory about the house: I heard that before Dad painted the walls Mom painted "Happy Birthday Relief Society" on the living room wall ...and dad was soon mad. Mom must have been having the annual RS party at her house...and had no concept of images of paint strokes showing through. :(
